Welcome new EVA families!

Embarking on a new educational path can be exciting, but also a little stressful. New families and students often have many questions about how to prepare for school at EVA. We want you to know we’re here to guide your student and family through this transition. On this page you’ll find answers to many of the questions you may have — as well as important onboarding instructions every new family must complete. We are excited to support you and your family this school year! Please reach out to your homeroom teacher if you need any further assistance in setting up your student for a successful year.
Most of your materials will be mailed to you and should arrive in late summer. These materials include, but are not limited to:
  • Laptop with instructions for set-up
  • Students may receive books, manipulatives, and other materials as needed, specific to their grade level and courses
Once you receive your computer, please follow the set-up instructions. Tech Support is available if you have any questions.

School Supply List

There are only a few supplies you may need to get as we will supply most of what the students will need each semester/year.  You will need:
  • Writing utensils (pencils and/or pens)
  • Coloring utensils such as crayons, colored pencils, or markers
  • Notebooks or notebook paper
Other recommendations (optional):
  • Extra ink and paper for printer (using printer is optional so we will not replenish ink and paper)
  • Highlighter (secondary students)
  • Notecards (secondary students)
  • Extra handwriting paper (we send a handwriting book for younger students, but once it is filled up, you may want more)
Once school begins, there will be live Class Connects (CC) to attend each school day. These CCs are usually scheduled between 8am and 3pm and with time for coursework between them. These are required classes and student must attend as scheduled.

Attendance provides live instruction, help from the instructor, social interaction, and meets the state’s attendance requirements. Work outside of CCs may be completed at any time and allows for a flexible schedule.

How Attendance Works »

Time Zone

Setting your time zone correctly is extremely important.

On Your computer:

  • Check your time and date on the bottom right side of your screen
  • In the bottom left search bar type “change the time zone”
  • Make sure your time zone is set to Pacific Standard Time
All families have the option to opt out of text messaging – just complete this short online form.

New Student Onboarding Checklist

The checklist below is your guide on what you need to complete during your first week of school.  It is important that you complete everything on this list by the end of your first week (onboarding week) so that you can have the strongest start possible to guarantee a successful school year. Some of these steps you can even complete before your start date. In fact, you will want to complete steps 1 and 2 right away so you can be sure to attend your first orientation on Wednesday.

Let’s get started!

Log In to Office 365

In order to send and receive an email as a student, you will need to have Office 365 downloaded on your computer.

If you are using an EVA provided laptop, Office 365 is already set up for you.

If you are using a personal laptop, you will need to make sure you have Office 365 installed.

If you need help setting up Office 365, please reference this tutorial, or contact Tech Support.

You should receive a paper from Spitzer Tech inside your laptop once it arrives. This paper will give you instructions on how to log in to Office 365 with your new evergreenvirtual.org email & password. If you do not have it, you can reach out to your engagement coach and they can provide it for you.

Click here to log in.

Be sure to check your email multiple times each day when you log into your Online School. This is one of the primary ways your teacher and other EVA staff members will be communicating with you.

Click here to access your Canvas account. Your login information is the same username and password used to log in to Office 365. Please reach out to your engagement coach for support or if you have any questions.

All students at Evergreen Virtual Academy will be assigned an Engagement Coach. They will be contacting you soon if they have not already. It is very important that they speak with both the Learning Coach and Student. Please return their phone call if they leave a message. Communication with your engagement coach must be voice to voice or via text and not email for this initial call.

Click HERE to read the letter.

During your onboarding week, you will have required orientation sessions in the online school Wednesday through Friday. You will see these orientation sessions as well as work sessions or Open Office Hours in your Canvas calendar. Simply click on the item on your calendar and a box will pop up with the link to access the session. You will not see your full schedule of live classes and your courses until after the onboarding week is over.

Required Orientation Sessions

Live orientation sessions are required for attendance. If a student is unable to attend a session, they must watch the recording and email their engagement coach a summary of the orientation.

  • Find a place with good internet connectivity
  • Find a place with limited distractions
  • Is there enough space for your computer and a notebook/textbook?
  • Consider printing or writing out your weekly schedule and posting it where you can easily see it
  • Make it your own! If it won’t be a distraction, add pictures, items, etc. that will make the space feel inviting.

You will get more training on Class Connect during orientation, but please see the image below regarding joining a session.

Once you click on the session link from your Calendar or To Do list, you will be prompted to open the meeting.  Simply click on the “Open Zoom Meetings” button.


With Canvas/StrongMind, you have the opportunity to access a parent/learning coach account that will allow you to observe your student’s account. This is separate from your ParentVUE account. Your student’s engagement coach included your observer account login information in their welcome email to you. Please reach out to them if you did not get it or have any issues logging in.

If you feel lost, have questions, or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out! We will have help sessions just for Learning Coaches during the onboarding week and throughout the school year. You can also reach out to your student’s engagement coach, teacher, or Enrollment & Engagement Assistant Manager for one-on-one support.

We also have a Learning Coach Corner where you will have the opportunity to get more in-depth training as well as useful tips and tricks.

Resources for Families & Learning Coaches »

Tips from EVA Families

Have a designated workstation

Set up a designated workstation to help your student stay relaxed, focused, and ready to work. Remove as many distractions as possible and let your student help plan and decorate it so they feel more excited to use it.

Keep school supplies handy

Be sure to have school supplies like pens or pencils and a blank notebook with reach of your student’s computer so that they can take notes during class times.

Create a consistent schedule

Plan to do meals and break times around the same time each day with a designated start and end time for school time. This structure can help keep everyone organized.

Make to-do lists daily or weekly

Using a whiteboard or calendar to outline what needs to be completed visually can ensure that nothing is forgotten in the shuffle of daily life.

Keep contact info organized

Keep contact information for all your student’s teachers, our customer support number, and any counselors, social worker, or engagement coach in one easy-to-find place.